Friday, May 6, 2011


I saw this on opening night but forgot to blog about it. It was....alright. Im glad the original cast was kept the same which, however the acting was very dramatic and over done. I feel like the cheesy scripts were done on purpose and Wes Craven was trying to keep the 4th film as close to the previous 3 as he could. And he succeeded. The previous films, made in the '90's, were very over the top, fake blood, gore and all that. It definitely had an original and interesting script, something that quite possibly could happen today, and you will never guess who the killer is until the very end! It was good mainly because it was the 4th Scream movie and if you loved the earlier trilogy then you just sort of had  to go and see this one. If a horror movie was ever made like this today though, it would flop in the first hour.

I will still be buying a box set. :)

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